Analyse 2: Keyword in Context (KWIC)

Analyse 2: Keyword in Context (KWIC)#

0. Importe und Daten-Upload#

import pandas as pd
import re
from pathlib import Path
## for interactivity in jupyter books
from import output_notebook, show
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, TextInput, Div
# Ensure Bokeh output is displayed in the notebook
Loading BokehJS ...
conllfiles = Path(r"../data/csv")
corpus_annotations = {}
for file in conllfiles.iterdir():
    if file.suffix == '.csv':
        #path = os.path.join(conllfiles, filename)  
        data = pd.read_csv(file) 
        corpus_annotations[] = data
corpus_metadata = pd.read_csv(Path('../data/metadata/QUADRIGA_FS-Text-01_Data01_Corpus-Table.csv'), sep=';')
corpus_metadata = corpus_metadata.set_index('DC.identifier')

1. KWIC-Suche#

Hide code cell content
class ContextViewer:
    def __init__(self, corpus_annotated, corpus_metadata):
        self.prepare_index_dataframe_for_search(corpus_annotated, corpus_metadata)
    def prepare_index_dataframe_for_search(self, corpus_annotated, corpus_metadata):
        for filename, annotated_text in corpus_annotated.items():
            txtname = filename.replace('.csv', '')
            if txtname in corpus_metadata.index:
                year, month, day = self.get_date_fname(txtname, corpus_metadata)
                annotated_text['month'] = month
                annotated_text['filename'] = filename
        self.full_df = pd.concat(corpus_annotated.values())
        self.full_df = self.full_df.reset_index()
        print(f'Searching in a corpus of {self.full_df.shape[0]} word occurences')
    def get_date_fname(self, txtname, corpus_metadata):  
        date = corpus_metadata.loc[txtname, '']
        date = str(date)
        year = date[:4]
        month = date[:7]
        day = date
        return year, month, day 
    def get_context_words(self, search_terms, n_words):
        #search_terms = input('Insert a word to search, split by comma if more than one: ')
        if len(search_terms) == 0:
            search_terms = 'Grippe, Krankheit'
        search_terms = search_terms.split(',')
        search_terms = [x.strip() for x in search_terms]
        indices = self.full_df.query(f'Lemma.isin({search_terms})').index
        left_contexts = []
        this_words = []
        right_contexts = []
        months = []
        for indice in indices:
            left = self.full_df.iloc[indice-10:indice-1, ]["Token"]
            leftс = left[~left.str.contains('\n')]
            right = self.full_df.iloc[indice+1:indice+10, ]["Token"]
            rightс = right[~right.str.contains('\n')]
            left_contexts.append(' '.join(leftс))
            right_contexts.append(' '.join(rightс))
            this_words.append(self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["Token"])
            months.append(self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["month"])
        newdf = pd.DataFrame()
        newdf['left_context'] = left_contexts
        newdf['word'] = this_words
        newdf['right_context'] = right_contexts
        newdf['month'] = months
        return newdf
    ## currently unused functionality:
    def get_context_sents(self, n_sentences):
        search_lemma = input('Insert a word to search: ')
        if len(search_lemma) == 0:
            search_lemma = 'Grippe'
        indices = self.full_df.query(f'Lemma=="{search_lemma}"').index
        left_contexts = []
        this_sentences = []
        right_contexts = []
        months = []
        for indice in indices:
            current_filename = self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["filename"]
            current_sentence_id = self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["Sentence_idx"]
            left_context = self.get_sents(direction=-1, 
            right_context = self.get_sents(direction=1, 
            this_sentence = self.get_sents(direction=0, 
            #this_words.append(self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["Token"])
            months.append(self.full_df.iloc[indice, ]["month"])
        newdf = pd.DataFrame()
        newdf['left_sentences'] = left_contexts
        newdf['this_sentence'] = this_sentences
        newdf['right_sentences'] = right_contexts
        newdf['month'] = months
        return newdf #.sort_values(by='month')
    def get_sents(self, direction, current_filename, current_sentence_id, n_sentences):
        sentences = []
        for n in range(1,n_sentences+1):
            sentence_id = current_sentence_id + (n * direction)
            this_sentence = self.create_sentence(current_filename, sentence_id)
        #print(' '.join(sentences))
        return ' '.join(sentences)
    def create_sentence(self, current_filename, sentence_id):
        words = self.full_df.query(f'filename=="{current_filename}" and Sentence_idx=={sentence_id}')['Token']
        sentence = ' '.join(words)
        return sentence
search_terms = TextInput(value='Grippe, Krankheit', 
                                 title="Geben Sie die zu suchenden Wörter ein und trennen Sie sie durch Kommas, wenn es mehrere sind:") #input('Insert words to search, split by comma if more than one: ')

search_terms_str = search_terms.value.strip()
# JavaScript callback to update the in Jupyter Book
rewrite_var_after_input = CustomJS(args=dict(text_input=search_terms), code="""
    var word = text_input.value.trim();
    console.log('Input value:', word);
    function sendToPython(){
    var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;
    kernel.execute("search_terms_str = '" + word + "'");

search_terms.js_on_change('value', rewrite_var_after_input)

# Layout and display
layout = column(search_terms)

kwic = ContextViewer(corpus_annotations, corpus_metadata)
Searching in a corpus of 33192061 word occurences
kwic.get_context_words(search_terms_str, n_words=5)
left_context word right_context month
0 Wirtschaft bedeutet , den recken ohne Ende , eine Krankheit , eine Aufein- anderfolge von Fieberschauern .... 1919-06
1 Heute Nathinittag- entschlief . , Fantt | nach „ Krankheit meine liebe Frau ; unjere gute , treue Mutter 1919-06
2 „ mit seinem Christentum nicht evnst . Meyrh... Krankheit verhinderk gewesen Feten , | ri beschlofsen ... 1919-04
3 wurde uns am Gonntay , nachmittag nac kurzer , Krankheit dur den Tod entrissen . In tiefstem - 1919-12
4 den Technischen Staats- lehranstalten . j ' 2 Krankheit des trüheren Kailerpaares . Drähtmelbung 904 w... 1918-12
... ... ... ... ...
1257 ! [ eS Bt eie eabhere Geht u den Grippe wegen geschlossenen 309 Groß- foricht nict der... 1918-10
1258 die erforderlichen Konsequen- | 3je " BoserLis... Grippe erkrankt ist ; infolgedessen haben | befriedig... 1918-10
1259 fein Stimmrecht auszuliben . der dr jen : 1. Krankheit , 2 WE shlebfan und wii iO > < 1918-05
1260 vor der National » alerie , ist gestern nach Krankheit in einer Berliner Wohnung gestorven . Prof. Tu... 1919-02
1261 Biersteuer « Auf Anordnung der Sowset-Regier... Grippe erkrankt war und erst seit kur ; Zustimmung hi... 1918-08

1262 rows × 4 columns