Python🐍 for Poets📚 2024

Introductory Python Сourse for Humanities Researchers at Uni Potsdam

Python🐍 for Poets📚 2024

Are you ready to explore a new language? Learn to use basic Python and Python for text processing in 2 days. Just like with any other language, coding helps you create something that has not been there before. And the best part is: you can use it to handle and process textual data for your own research more efficiently.

Course requirements:

No technical skills required. We will assume zero previous experience with Python. The course is specifically intended to introduce programming to researchers involved with the arts and humanities. The course will be in English for more inclusion of both students and teachers. But we will use both German and English texts for processing. Our methods are also easily transferable to Slavic, Semitic and many other languages.


The course will take place on Febreuary 16-17, 2024, at Campus Neues Palais, room 1.09.204

If you are interested, please register until October 23. We’ll be happy to see you at the course!


  • Henny Sluyter-Gäthje (Department of German Studies UP, Digital Humanities Network UP)
  • Friederike Schulz (Department of Romance Studies UP)
  • Daniil Skorinkin (Digital Humanities Network UP)


The name ‘Python for Poets’ is a tribute to the (old but gold) ‘Unix for Poets’ tutorial. We will not actually use Python for poetic purposes or verse studies during our course (although you will be able to do it yourself after the course, if you wish). The name Python for Poets is only there to highlight the ‘humanistic flavour’ of the course.


The End

(Archive) Python🐍 for Poets📚 2022 (Archive)

Are you ready to explore a new language? Learn to use basic Python and Python for text processing in 4 sessions. Just like with any other language, coding helps you create something that has not been there before. And the best part is: you can use it to handle and process textual data for your own research more efficiently.

The course will start on the 3rd of November 2022 and will take place every two weeks from 4:00pm to 6:00pm (s.t).

Course outline:



  • Introduction to Programming
  • Python Interpreter & built-in IDE (IDLE)
  • Variables & Data types: Integers and Strings
  • Python in Google Colab




  • Loops
  • Conditional Statements
  • Data Types: Lists and Dictionaries


2nd session Colab Notebook Cheat sheet



  • Text Lemmatisation
  • POS-Tagging
  • Reading and Writing Files




  • 🆕 Finishing lemmatisation & POS-tagging
  • Reading and Writing JSON and CSV Files
  • Pandas for Data Processing
  • Data Visualisation


Course requirements:

No technical skills required. We will assume zero previous experience with Python. The course is specifically intended to introduce programming to researchers involved with the arts and humanities. The course will be in English for more inclusion of both students and teachers. But we will use both German and English texts for processing.


The course will take place at Campus Neues Palais, room

If you are interested, please register until October 21. We’ll be happy to see you at the course!


  • Henny Sluyter-Gäthje (Department of German Studies UP, Digital Humanities Network UP)
  • Johanna Rockstroh (Department of Romance Studies UP)
  • Friederike Schulz (Department of Romance Studies UP)
  • Daniil Skorinkin (Digital Humanities Network UP)


The name ‘Python for Poets’ is a tribute to the (old but gold) ‘Unix for Poets’ tutorial. We will not actually use Python for poetic purposes or verse studies during our course (although you will be able to do it yourself after the course, if you wish). The name Python for Poets is only there to highlight the ‘humanistic flavour’ of the course.
